We had Jennifer from The Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation present (and shared more information regarding Brian Health) as well as other Board Members attended from the ACHF which was great. As always, Teamsters Union 362 provided us with our stage and PA system and this event would never be the same without them. Unilever Canada donated many items to give away, Sysco provided us with our post race refreshments as did the Parent Council. Tim Hortons provided us with Timbits which of course were a huge hit!
We appreciate all the parent volunteers and staff that helped organize and handout the food for the post race activities. Of course, North Glenmore Park Community Association is our greatest sponsor as they allow us to hold this event each year and again, we are so very grateful. So a big thank you to all the Staff, students, parents and sponsors that equally helped to make Brianne's Run a huge success once again!! Please read the previous post for information on the Brain Health Program and as always we will donate to The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.
I look forward to it all again next June!!
Patti presenting to Lakeview Campus |
Jennifer from Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation speaking to students about Brain Health |
Poster made by the Students to demonstrate progress of goal, so amazing! |