Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another amazing Run/Walk for Brianne's LEAP of Hope

Very honored and pleased to share the Calgary Girls School raised an amazing $6900.00 for Brianne's LEAP of Hope on June 26th, 2015.  It was a beautiful HOT day, in fact for the first time we had to finish in the Gym at the North Glenmore Community Hall!!  This is only two times in 10 years we have had to go inside, the other time because of some rain.
Warm UP
Once again, Teamsters Union 362 members, Bernie and Ken helped out and were instrumental in providing us with our stage and PA system.  I say it year after year that this event would not be the same without the Teamsters Truck.  The Parent Council as well as parent volunteers at CGS were fantastic as usual, providing great support prior to the event, with helping to arrange snacks and the amazing Hot Dogs for the post race refreshments and of course volunteering to keep us organized the day of.  Thankfully we had the tasty sport freezies to help keep us cool!!  Graciously provided by Parent Council.  We wouldn't ever forget to thank the North Glenmore Park Community Hall to let us hold this event year after year.  The girls and all that attended did a great job in keeping the Hall and grounds clean, thank you everyone!!

At the presentation, I was completely shocked when I received a cheque for the charity for $700.00 on behalf of the Parent Council.  They had popcorn sales throughout the year and chose to donate the funds to Brianne's LEAP of Hope. So very thoughtful and generous.  The girls and their families in less than two weeks raised the balance to put us just under the $7000.00 mark.  We had two raffles with Fit Bits and other great gifts, to help raise the money and add some fun.  Thanks to Shoya Wells for all her help helping me with the raffles. 

I have always been amazed year after year how this group of young women come together to help make a difference in the lives of so many children in our city and surrounding area who need our support and love. It is so fun to watch the Well Wishes that each class perform to send off the Grade 9 girls as they head to High School. It is always such a fantastic day and already look forward to next year!!!  Thanks again to the teaching Staff, the Parent Council, parent volunteers and last but definitely not least the fantastic students at CGS.  Thankfully, Brianne's legacy will live on through your shared determination with myself to share her story of courage and strength to help others.

With heartfelt thanks,



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Brianne's Run at Calgary Girls School 2015

The date has been set for the 12th Annual Brianne's Run at the Calgary Girls School.  It will take place at the Lakeview Campus on Thursday June 25th, 2015.

More info to come soon regarding the days events!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

So once again, a great amazing day to report upon. Thanks for our amazing participants and love of Brianne, mostly for the help of Teamsters Union 362 for supporting each and every year...l was able to once again grant A FULL WISH to The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada at the Walk For Wishes in October.  I can never fully express the gratitude I have for this most amazing Charity as they provided us with incredible memories with Brianne.  I appreciate this charity and thank you all for helping us continue in our efforts to keep the Wishes to continue!!
God Bless those who may be struggling, my promise to my beautiful daughter is to keep her legacy alive. I am so grateful for all those who help me do just that!  :)


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Very pleased to update on both the Teamsters Charity Golf Tournament which took place May 29th, 14 once  again at D'Arcy Ranch Golf Course in Okotoks, AB.  We had a beautiful day and as always an incredible group of people to enjoy the 8th Tournament with.  I received a cheque from Dave Foulton from the TCRC in the amount of $35000.00!
Amazing is all I can say... each year we have many of the same golfers and always some new but it is always such a wonderful day of golf and friendship.

The Calgary Girls School Run for Brianne was also a great success bringing in $5,200.00 for Brianne's LEAP of Hope.
We had a great day at this event also and had many of the Alumni from CGS attend.  Was so special as I had a special guest come share her story with the participants.  Megan Reimer was Brianne's favourite roommate while at ACH.  Brianne would be upset with us if we pulled the curtain across and she couldn't see Megan.  SO very cute.  Megan offered to share her experience and it was very heartfelt and appreciated.  Thank you Megan!!

8th Annual Teamsters Charity Golf Tournament Cheque Presentation

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dates for our Spring Fundraising Season - Teamsters Charity Golf and Brianne's Run/Walk at CGS

Spring is finally is here!  Which, for Brianne`s LEAP of Hope means two amazing events to help support children in our city and province that may be suffering from illness and or life limiting conditions, in memory of our sweet Angel.... Brianne Paige.

Thursday, May 29th, 2014 we will be celebrating the 8th Annual Teamster`s Charity Golf Tournament once again at D`Arcy Ranch in Okotoks.  To all those that have came to this fantastic day in previous years, thank you and I look forward to seeing you all again! To our new participants, I look forward to meeting you soon. 

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 we will continue with tradition with holding the Brianne`s Fun Run/Walk at the Calgary Girls School in Lakeview.  This is the 9th year for this event that the efforts and passion of the community at the Calgary Girls School have helped us contribute and carry on with our efforts to make a difference. 

As always following both events our site will be updated with photos and sharing our successes and celebrations.  Thank you to all involved including of course the Teamsters Union 362, The Teamsters Rail Conference and all the staff, students and parents at the Calgary Girls School for making it possible to continue to help our kids.  :)

Presentation to The Children's Wish Foundation
of Canada for $15,000.00 at
Walk for Wishes
October, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Teamsters Charity Golf Tournament 2013

I am very excited to announce the amount raised from this year's Teamsters Charity Golf Tournament which was held May 30th at D'Arcy Ranch in Okotoks, AB. The Golf Committee recently presented me with a Cheque for $35,000.00  which makes the total amount raised by Teamsters in 7 years holding the tournament to an astounding $204,000! 
I find it hard to express appropriately the gratitude I have for Teamsters Union 362 and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference for their continued support for the past 11 years.  Brianne's LEAP of Hope is honored to be the recipient of the funds raised each year and are thrilled to be able to continue on with the efforts to help children with life threatening illnesses in Calgary and surrounding area.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Total Raised at Calgary Girls School Run- June 7th, 2013

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to announce that an amazing $10,809.00 was raised at Brianne's Run on June 7th at the Calgary Girls School!!  Funds were raised by tickets sold for two raffle baskets that I made for each of both the Lakeveiw and the Belaire Campuses. Girls sold tickets during lunch hour and as well they were sharing Brianne's story with their family and friends to collect pledges.  They have done an amazing job once again and I am both honoured and proud to be part of the CGS Community where "giving" is such a strong aspect of their culture at the school.

We had Jennifer from The Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation present (and shared more information regarding Brian Health) as well as other Board Members attended from the ACHF which was great.  As always, Teamsters Union 362 provided us with our stage and PA system and this event would never be the same without them.  Unilever Canada donated many items to give away, Sysco provided us with our post race refreshments as did the Parent Council. Tim Hortons provided us with Timbits which of course were a huge hit!
We appreciate all the parent volunteers and staff that helped organize and handout the food for the post race activities.  Of course, North Glenmore Park Community Association is our greatest sponsor as they allow us to hold this event each year and again, we are so very grateful.  So a big thank you to all the Staff, students, parents and sponsors that equally helped to make Brianne's Run a huge success once again!!  Please read the previous post for information on the Brain Health Program and as always we will donate to The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.
I look forward to it all again next June!!

Patti presenting to Lakeview Campus

Jennifer from Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation speaking to students about Brain Health 
Poster made by the Students to demonstrate progress of goal, so amazing!